
  • Abdualiyev Elyorbek Begali o’g’li, Mirxanova Mavjuda Mixayilovna, Umaraliyev Shohjahon Muhammadro’zi o’g’li


This article discusses new types of culverts are one of the most numerous categories of artificial structures on roads of both regional significance. These engineering structures are located in the body of the embankment of the road or railway and provide a safe drainage of water entering the roadbed. Thanks to culverts, the road drainage system provides a constant favorable humidity regime of the ground bases of road clothes and prevents the erosion of the road embankment.

In modern road construction, the most common are two types of culverts: made of corrugated metal and reinforced concrete from prefabricated elements. To increase throughput without increasing the height of the embankment, multi-point pipes are arranged from small pipes laid next to each other.

Introductions. Development of the country's economy, increase in export potential and the role of Railways in the supply of goods to consumers is incomparable. It is no accident that the railways are called the blood vessels of the country's economy it is not. Reforms carried out on the Railways of Uzbekistan sharply increase the load carrying capacity of Express Railways and passenger trains are aimed at raising the speed. Therefore, the design of rail repair in operation a great axamity is earned []. In addition, the waterproofing pipes on the railway are the most common artificial structures. Culverts located under the road are something of an alternative to bridges, so if there is no need for the latter, you can use this replacement. In addition, in some situations, it is simply not possible to build a bridge – for example, if the road is located too low [].

The design of a culvert is a channel that passes through a road embankment. For the construction of a culvert, pipes of such a diameter are used that it is sufficient to transport a large volume of atmospheric precipitation. In addition, such pipes are often used in the creation of large drainage systems and underground passages. This article will focus on culverts and their application features [].

In the modern market of building materials, culverts are represented in a very diverse way. The main parameter by which such pipes are classified is the material of manufacture.

According to this method of classification, the following types of culverts are distinguished:

  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Plastic;
  • Metal corrugated.

Each material has its own characteristics. One of the main advantages of reinforced concrete structures for water drainage is the ability to create them in the place where they will be installed. The construction process in this case involves the installation of reinforced formwork, which will be filled with a concrete solution.



How to Cite

Abdualiyev Elyorbek Begali o’g’li, Mirxanova Mavjuda Mixayilovna, Umaraliyev Shohjahon Muhammadro’zi o’g’li. (2025). 4.1 NEW TYPES OF CULVERTS ON THE RAILWAY TRACK. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(4), 3–7. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/122

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