About the Journal

Type of journal: scientific journal.

Journal title: "International Shine-AEB "

Language of the journal "International Shine-AEB": the journal is run publishes articles in  English.

Specialization: the scientific journal publishes the results of research work carried out by professors and teachers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international institutions of higher education and independent scientific researchers in the manner of a scientific article. In addition to higher education institutions, the Journal also includes scientific articles of employees working in research and research institutions of our region and other research institutes, production organizations and enterprises of our republic.

Distribution area: distributed electronically (online) in international and Republic.

Periodicity and size:the Journal is issued monthly electronically.

Location of the editorial office: Tashkent region, Chinoz district, B. Gofurov Street 32. Phone: 99 837 91 18 Email: elyorbek.begaliyevich@mail.ru, shineaeb@mail.ru

Internet site address: https: / /shine-aeb. uz

In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks provided for by the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on approval of the concept of development of Science until 2030”adopted on October 29, 2020, the scientific journal "International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal (SHINE-AEB)" (Certificate No. 125920 of the agency for the development of Information and Mass Communications under the www.inntechcon.uz website) are published in the reception of articles.

The journal is indexed in Google Scholar, Doi/Zenodo, OJS/PKP bases. The journal is published electronically throughout the territory of Uzbekistan and the Commonwealth of independent states.

The journal "International Shine-AEB " is aimed at scientists, teachers, researchers and specialists in various fields of higher education, research institutions. The topics of the articles are very diverse. They can reflect the results of scientific work on PhD and DSc dissertations, as well as other scientific research and work involving scientific innovations.

The purpose of the journal is to:

The journal International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal (ITC) aims to exchange ideas, reflect on emerging trends in society in a broad scientific community space, and publish articles that strengthen the knowledge of researchers and scientists approaching major scientific advances.

Uzbekistan to integrate the results of scientific work of scientists and the rich experience of domestic specialists into the international scientific space, to create an international scientific space for discussion and exchange of experience for specialists and scientists.

Functions Of The Journal:

- expansion of editorial content with the involvement of well-known Uzbek and foreign specialists;

- introduction of the journal into the international database;
- increase the index of quotes;

- expansion of journal activities in international databases and open electronic sources;

- to give young and experienced scientists the opportunity to quickly publish the results of their scientific activities;

- expand the base of scientific citations, give the opportunity to publish in an indexed journal;

-Popularization of the science of Uzbekistan among foreign colleagues in the field of Humanities, exact and Natural Sciences.

Examination process.

The articles and theses accepted by the editorial board of International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal (SHINE-AEB) do not support the blind review process. Reviewers and editors undertake a consistent review of the quality and nature of the work before confirming the news. Articles that do not have scientific novelty and do not meet the requirements of the Journal are not submitted for publication. After checking the level, grammatical and methodological aspects of the article by the editors, the author is informed about the state of the work, that is, about the remittance or acceptance.