
  • Abdualiyev Elyorbek Begali o’g’li, Mirxanova Mavjuda Mixayilovna, Umaraliyev Shohjahon Muhammadro’zi o’g’li


In this article, we consider the case of waterproofing pipes, the most common type of artificial structures located in the railway network.

Introduction. The role of Railways in the development of the country's economy, the increase in export potential and the supply of goods to consumers is of great importance. It is not surprising that the railways are called the blood vessels of the country's economy. Therefore, great importance is attached to the development of railway networks and the maintenance of Railways in operation and the maintenance of cargo capacity at the required level []. Pipes under the embankment on the railways and make up half of all artificial structures, and these are the most common artificial structures.

Water-permeable pipes are divided into types of reinforced concrete, concrete and iron pipes [11.12]. According to the mode of operation, there are pipes with no pressure, half-pressure and no pressure. In order to regulate the flow of water, to ensure the smoothness of its flow and to prevent longitudinal displacement (elongation) of the pipe elements during the landslides of the raised flanks, the inlet and outlet sections of the pipe are equipped with hoists. During the study period, Tashkent-Sirdarya direction was chosen as the experimental site. This is because the lines direction is characterized by high-speed and high-speed trains. For this reason, the technical case of the road in such networks is of great importance. We can see the case of artificial structures in the railway network from the Table 1 below [].



How to Cite

Abdualiyev Elyorbek Begali o’g’li, Mirxanova Mavjuda Mixayilovna, Umaraliyev Shohjahon Muhammadro’zi o’g’li. (2024). 3.7 MAINTENANCE OF WATER PIPES ON THE RAILWAY. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(3), 21–23. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/117

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