
  • Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. And about. Professor at Tashkent State Transport University. Abdullaeva Diana Paxratdin qizi. Student at Tashkent State Transport University.



Education is a social force that determines the direction of social relations. It is known that the subject of social relations is a person. How a person behaves depends on his upbringing. Simply put, people interact when they live in society. This relationship can be good or bad. Or else it can be a mixture of good and bad.

Key words: human, good and bad, education, social relations.

He French scientist La Mettrie said that “without education there would be very few good people in the world. Only education improves a person’s inner world. Only education can direct a person to be useful for the benefit of other people. In essence, education is a social force that determines the direction of social relations. It is known that the subject of social relations is a person. The way a person behaves depends on his upbringing. Simply put, people interact when they live in society. This relationship can be good or bad. Or it could be a mixture of good and bad. Also, everyone can act in their own interests, without doing each other either good or evil. Our people have a proverb: “If you can’t do good, then don’t do bad.” In a sense, this is also a kind of education. But the beauty of society is that the people living in it do good to each other, use each other, and make a living with each other's interests in mind. Positive social relationships also emerge. Of course, this has to do with education. Because only a well-educated person can do good to other people and can sympathize with the pain and worries of others. A large number of people receiving such education will lead to further development of this society. Humanity, humanity and generosity are necessary for all members of society.

However, this is especially important for representatives of a materially rich layer of society with high educational qualities, that is, for the rich. Why it should be “It is the duty of a rich man to provide for the happiness of society and to lighten the hearts of others with his happiness.” What we agree on is that poor, poor or middle class people who do not have much wealth cannot help others even if they want to. Because their financial capabilities do not allow this.

“If we bring happiness to society, we create our own happiness with it.” A very good point. After all, society consists not of one person, but of millions, or even billions of people (in the case of China and India). It is the minds, dreams, aspirations, human or non-human behavior of these people that determine the future of society. We used the phrase “inhumane behavior” for a reason. Because, no matter how pleasant it may be, the existence of a perfect, ideal society is very doubtful. In real life, no society can consist of 100% perfect people. Whether you like it or not, there are different people in any society. In particular, there are bad guys and villains who hold back the progress of society. Society has created laws to restrain such people and fights them through these laws. No matter how hard it is, we must admit that “Only fear of the law stops evil people.”

Montesquieu's social and philosophical views among European philosophers are very different from those of others. This difference is that in his philosophy the first level of attention is focused on economic-geographical factors. “Montesque considers the development of the production of material goods through agriculture and crafts to be the most important condition for improving people’s lives.” A very wise and insightful comment. In fact, views on the fate of human and social life, on the future of social relations in general, have long been of interest to philosophers or scientists involved in philosophical science.

   We noted above that there are a number of reasons why countries are at one or another level of development. In this regard, another unique idea was put forward in the teachings of Montesquieu. “He relates these reasons to the geographic environment. It shows the three basics of the geographic environment: climate, soil, and topography. If we look at the geographical map of the world, and then pay attention to the development indicators of countries, we notice the following conditions affecting the development of countries:

firstly, the presence of direct access to the sea and other routes of communication;

secondly, the possession of many desirable useful natural resources;

thirdly, dependence on the level of development of neighboring and regional countries;

fourthly, the geographical location of the country and natural conditions.

The management process in the system of social relations is very complex, and therefore is a very responsible social phenomenon.

The effectiveness of management depends on a number of factors, in particular, on the educational process. Management is continuous continuing education. This education is carried out throughout society and at different levels of the communities that make up it. At the moment, it is difficult to create a single principle of education that is correct for everyone, with the exception of partial generalization of certain aspects. Because there are as many people in the world as there are different character types. The same conclusion can be drawn about communities consisting of different people. There are no communities whose conditions are exactly the same. Therefore, each of them requires an individual approach to itself. An individual approach is one of the main rules of education.

Immanuel Kant, who laid the cornerstone of pho forming the German classical philosophy of the new era, when analyzing social relations, he puts forward the idea of ​​people's power. The essence of this idea is that “the legislative power should express only the will of the people” and “such a will of the people should be the source of laws in a rule-of-law state.” These interrelated and complementary considerations may not surprise many people today. After all, these or similar thoughts are often expressed by ordinary citizens and heads of state and are recognized as the main principle serving the development of countries. The above phrase “the legislative power should only express the will of the people” is currently the main criterion of social relations.

However, several hundred years ago, under the conditions in which Immanuel Kant lived, it was practically impossible for him to be recognized by the state and applicable to the processes of state and society. After all, at that time all the countries of the world were ruled by monarchs, that is, individual farmers, kings, emperors, and they defended the interests of the upper classes, feudal lords and capitalists. Laws and rules in countries were created directly based on their requirements and interests and served them. The interests of the general public were left behind. Only progressive people of their time, like Kant, could say that this state of affairs was wrong, and put forward the ideas that the state should take into account the will of the entire people, and not just the upper class, and the laws of the state should also serve the interests of the people. Heads of state and ruling classes, in turn, resisted the implementation of these ideas. Because the implementation of such ideas required the provision of freedom and liberty to the people. In turn, the emergence of this situation was unpleasant for the rulers. The reason is that people who have freedom and freedom exercise their rights and do not want to obey the rulers and always serve others. They begin to demand participation in government and the adoption of laws. They begin to fight for the equal distribution of material and spiritual benefits in society for everyone, to ensure everyone has an equal, decent life. They knew very well what the outcome of this struggle would be, and representatives of the ruling class did their best to prevent this. These obstacles are created in various forms, methods and means.


  1. Salimov B.L. Expression of Dialectic Categories in the Individual’s Social Life // eu. International Journal of InnovativeAnalyses and Emerging Technology. Volume: 1, lssue 4, 2021. -Р.16-18.
  2. Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. The philosophical role of dialectical categories in human life. Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences.  Volume: 1, lssue 6,  2021. -Р.406-410.
  3. Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. Prospects of Development of Communication and Transport System in Uzbekistan. WEB OF SYNERGY: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Volume 2 Issue 2, Year 2023 ISSN: 2835-3013.
  4. Salimov, B., Madalimov, T. (2023). Transport falsafasi. Globe Edit.
  5. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. The Importance of Sea Transport in the Communication System. WEB OF SYNERGY: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Volume 2 Issue 1, Year 2023 ISSN: 2835-3013.
  6. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. The Influence of the Transport and Communication System on Social Relations. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Ie Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, Year 2023. ISSN: 2835-3048.
  7. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Reforms in the Fields of Communication and Transport and their Social Impact. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Ie Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, Year 2023. ISSN: 2835-3048.
  8. Салимов Б.Л. Ижтимоий муносабатларнинг коммуникация ва транспорт тизими билан детерминистик боғлиқлигининг гносеологик таҳлили. Фалсафа фанлари доктори диссертацияси. Ўзбекистон Миллий университети. Тошкент. 2022, 224 б.
  9. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich, Tursunov, Shokhijakhan Ravshanovich, Haydarov, Mehriddin Nuriddin Ugli (2023). SYNERGETIC APPROACH IN THE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL RELATIONS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 3 (3), 1001-1007.
  10. Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich Salimov. NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT. International Conference" Law, Economics and Tourism sciences in the modern world". 2023/5/1. С. 5-10.



How to Cite

Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. And about. Professor at Tashkent State Transport University. Abdullaeva Diana Paxratdin qizi. Student at Tashkent State Transport University. (2023). 1.6 VIEWS ON THE FORMATION OF SOCIAL RELATIONS. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(1), 23–25. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/95