
  • Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Professor at Tashkent State Transport University. Saliyev Suxrob Bag‘ibek o‘g‘li. Student at Tashkent State Transport University.



  The article shows that great attention is being paid to the education system in our country, that a great future cannot be achieved without reforming the education system, that this process imposes a great responsibility on pedagogues, because the education received at school, academic lyceum, vocational college, and higher educational institutions is of great importance in the fate of every person. analyzed.

Key words: education, responsibility, pedagogue, pedagogy, future.

  As we all know, today the education system in our country pays great attention. After all, without reforming the education system it is impossible to achieve a great future. Of course, this process imposes great responsibility on us, teachers. After all, the education he received at school, academic lyceum, vocational college and higher educational institutions is important in the fate of every person. The quality of education in general education institutions depends primarily on teachers and coaches. Of course, there are many teachers among us who are constantly working on themselves and trying to teach on the basis of new pedagogical technologies, and there is no doubt that today’s talented pupils and students will become great specialists in the future. It is known that the field of science and education must always keep up with the times and meet the requirements of the time. Today's education system in our country is completely different from the system 10-15 years ago. In fact, as a result of reforms carried out over the past period, the level of quality and efficiency of personnel training in Uzbekistan has increased significantly. However, reforms in the industry are not going very well. To do this, it is necessary to solve and complete a number of tasks and tasks. In particular, these include training and education of young people using innovative technologies. After all, the knowledge and skills, enlightenment and spirituality of our youth, educated on the basis of advanced pedagogical and innovative technologies, will be high. It is important for us that our youth receive an education in this spirit.

In fact, the development of the education system in all countries that have achieved high development and a comfortable standard of living is also at a high level today. Therefore, from the first years of independence, the education sector in our country has been given attention at the level of state policy. A number of laws and other regulatory documents related to this area have been adopted and are under development, such as the Law on Education and the National Personnel Training Program.

It should be noted that over the past period, a number of positive works have been carried out in the field of education in our republic, and promising projects for the further development of this field in the future have been identified. It should also be noted that training using innovative technologies is equally important and important for both students and teachers. If innovative technologies teach young people to think independently, consolidate their knowledge and gain deep, comprehensive knowledge on a specific topic, then this encourages us, teachers, to be creative and, most importantly, to constantly work on ourselves. We must accept the fact that today's student is different from yesterday's. Today's students cannot be taught with yesterday's information, traditional lecture and conversation, questions and answers. In this case, it is very likely that teaching will make students bored and they will lose interest in science. Indeed, in modern conditions of globalization, schoolchildren, students and young people in general receive a lot of new information every day by connecting to various social networks on the Internet through mobile communication devices. Therefore, we, professors and teachers, must keep up with the times, conduct our lectures and seminars using innovative technologies.

It should be noted that innovative technologies can be applied in all disciplines. Naturally, its manifestations and forms are different depending on the content and essence of applied science. Moreover, discovering new innovative technologies for each subject or lesson does not have to be tedious. Because today many innovative technologies have been created. We are only required to adapt them to our subject and subjects. As an example, it is recommended to use innovative technology in etiquette lessons and educational hours as follows. This innovative technology was created on the basis of the Federal State Medical University and problem-based lesson technologies. In this case, students are asked the following general question and four questions arising from it:

The problem of excessive mobile phone use:

  1. What do you know about the origins of cellular communications?
  2. Provide information about the positive and negative aspects of mobile communication and its excessive use.
  3. What laws do you know regarding the use of mobile communication devices?
  4. Your personal proposal to regulate excessive use of mobile communications.

 As can be seen from the essence of the above innovative technology, it gives students the opportunity to think independently, and most importantly, freely express their opinions. It takes students beyond the importance of mobile communication, which is one of the rare discoveries of development. They reflect the negative impact of its use on our moral life. Most importantly, students will have the opportunity to make their own reasoned personal suggestions on how to reduce the negative impact of excessive cell phone use on our lives. This innovative technology can be used individually or in groups depending on the number of students in the study groups.


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  7. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Reforms in the Fields of Communication and Transport and their Social Impact. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Ie Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, Year 2023. ISSN: 2835-3048.
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How to Cite

Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Professor at Tashkent State Transport University. Saliyev Suxrob Bag‘ibek o‘g‘li. Student at Tashkent State Transport University. (2023). 1.5 THE IMPORTANCE OF USING NEW PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(1), 20–22. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/94