
  • Embergenov A.B., Umaraliyev Sh.M.,Eshonov F.F. Tashkent State transport University


The article considers the justification of the possibility of using aerial photography by geodetic quadcopter in order to obtain a topographic basis for the design of highways. The topographic basis is obtained in the form of an orthophotoplan of the terrain with accuracy corresponding to regulatory requirements.

Keywords: railway design, digital terrain model, quadcopter, unmannedaerial vehicle (UAV), point cloud, identification mark, orthophotoplane.

Introduction. Drones are used to build images, create maps and spatial analysis in areas such as topographic aerial photography of the area. Today, it is no exaggeration to say that quadrocopters are the fastest and most effective method of aerial photography. In addition, unlike shooting from manned aircraft, the use of drones is much cheaper, and also makes it possible to get better results. The main advantages quadrocopters for geodesy: reduction of time costs, simplification of work, the ability to shoot in hard-to-reach places.The survey of the terrain by a quadcopter for the purpose of further designing a highway can be attributed to such a type of survey as topographic and geodetic surveys (TGI). According to the results of the TGI, topographic and geodetic data and materials should be obtained to compare options for highway routes and prepare documentation for territory planning under the placement of the selected railway option. The design documentation should substantiate the design needs for the chosen route direction, provide materials for choosing the location of sections of crossings over natural and artificial obstacles, comparison and evaluation of route options, recommendations for choosing the optimal railway route option for subsequent stages of design and survey work (PIR) [1,2,3,4].



How to Cite

Embergenov A.B., Umaraliyev Sh.M.,Eshonov F.F. Tashkent State transport University. (2025). 4.4 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY USING A QUADCOPTER. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(4), 20–24. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/125