Philosophical heritage is created by people in all eras. The most valuable and valuable achievements are reflected in it. Philosophical heritage is preserved as a great product of human thought. Philosophical culture encompasses human activity. No matter when and where he is, no matter what he does, no matter what he does, people will encounter him.
Key words: Philosophical heritage, philosophical culture, Universe, existence, natural thinking.
The roots of the first knowledge about the universe, existence, nature, and man go back a long way. This is confirmed by research conducted in Ancient India, China, and Central Asian countries. Architectural monuments, structures, ancient manuscripts, folklore, literature, works of art that have reached us confirm our opinion. In fact, humanity is witness to the fact that in the early period of human activity, great discoveries were made in the countries of the East, in general, in Asia. In particular, many discoveries made in China alone, which were the first in the world, confirm our opinion. For example, the Bishen script was created as early as 1045 BC. The homeland of the first paper money is China. Because it was used 1900 years before our era. In Europe, paper money appeared eight hundred years later. The first earthquake in the world was detected in China. Porcelain was made 1000 years ago by Europeans. 2000 years ago, the world's only comprehensive bodybuilding training consisting of 40 exercises was invented. The Chinese people invented the bronze compass 300 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. In Europe, this device appeared 1400 years later. The conclusion is that the supporters of Eurocentrism in many respects recognize the spirituality, culture, and enlightenment of Eastern countries, and history is the real measure.
Ancient writings and historical monuments reflect the traditions and worldviews of ancient peoples, from which important conclusions can be drawn. Especially in the ancient myths, the thoughts aimed at knowing the universe are noteworthy. Mythology means legends. More precisely, it is the doctrine of myths. In ancient times, people used this doctrine to understand and explain the universe. In this way, they strive to have an idea about the universe, to understand its future. Legends are the telling of strange stories that happened in different ancient nations. They are more about gods and heroes, the relationship between good and evil, and the activities in the cosmic world. On the basis of these, the first philosophical views were gathered in human activity. The existence and changes in existence, natural phenomena, the animal world, human activities were the focus of people's attention. In the philosophical views of that time, the emergence of the world, its beginning, its structure, the division of irreversible phenomena in nature, and the mutual relations of the world of animals and plants took central places. In legends, there are even ideas about the disappearance of the world and its reappearance.
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