Thearticleconsidersensuring the safety of traintrafficonrailwaysas a keyaspect of theiroperation. The authoremphasizes the importance of technicalmeasures,systematicmonitoringofequipment condition andregularmaintenancetomaintainsafety. The concept of heterogeneoussystemperformance is alsoconsidered,whichhelps to understandhow the railwaytransportinfrastructurefunctions.
Keywords: Operation, railways, maintenance parameters, technical failures. ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ НА ЖЕЛЕЗНОЙ ДОРОГЕ
Анотация. В статье рассматривается обеспечение безопасности движения поездов на железных дорогах как ключевой аспект их эксплуатации. Автор подчеркивает важность технических мероприятий, систематического контроля состояния оборудования и регулярного технического обслуживания для поддержания безопасности. Также рассматривается концепция гетерогенной производительности системы, которая помогает понять, как функционирует инфраструктура железнодорожного транспорта.
Ключевые слова: Эксплуатация, железные дороги, параметры технического обслуживания, технические отказы.
Ensuring the safety of train traffic is an important condition for the operation of railways. Various technical measures are used here, such as maintenance and repair of equipment, diagnostics and monitoring of the condition of technical means, and improvement of structures. Now it is important to improve technical components to enhance safety. Another factor to consider when servicing equipment is its complexity and the number of components. It is also important to understand the characteristics and principles of rail transport, as it differs from other transportation systems. Train safety depends on timely notification and response to malfunctions. The security analysis allows you to determine the actual level of security and develop appropriate measures. Important parameters in the analysis include statistical data, the risks of accidents and economic damage, as well as safe driving time and the effectiveness of repair work [1].
Characteristics of the external environment of the facility's operation zone. Based on the data obtained, an analysis and processing plan is developed and a report is compiled. The analysis procedure itself, carried out in order to create train safety systems, consists of several stages: establishing the area of analysis and the boundaries of the study, monitoring the analysis, identifying unstable conditions, conducting a point analysis of unstable conditions, determining dangerous traffic conditions trains, conducting a point analysis of dangerous traffic conditions, enumeration of significant factors acting at the time of the occurrence of a dangerous condition, establishment of types and characteristics of losses arising at the facility from the effects of damaging factors, analysis of losses from the effects of damaging factors, performing calculations of the risk of specific losses, documenting the processed data, checking the results [2].
This is a modern approach to the organization of railway management a transport that uses a multi-channel approach to reduce dangerous breakdowns. The principle of microprocessor control is to detect dangerous infrastructure elements during a comprehensive comparison of signals from a number of monitoring control points. Input information about the parameters of the functional blocks is processed not separately within a specific function, but taking into account the neighboring elements of the system. In addition, microprocessor-based security devices Train movements during operation are compared with intermediate data sets that collect statistics on various indicators.
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