
  • Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Ortiqboyeva Nodirabegim Oybekovna. Student of TDTr.U.


In the article, enlightenment is of particular importance in the formation of the spiritual and moral worldview of students in the new Uzbekistan. After all, enlightenment is the path that leads to spirituality, and the tool that forms it is shown. Enlightenment is an integral part of the history of the nation.

Key words: Students-youth, conscience, spiritual and moral outlook, freedom of speech, enlightenment, profession, education.

 Enlightenment is of particular importance in the formation of the spiritual and moral outlook of students. After all, enlightenment is the way that leads to spirituality, it is a tool that forms it. Enlightenment is an integral part of the history of the nation. President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev's proposal to adopt the special resolution of the UN General Assembly called "Enlightenment and religious tolerance"2 also increased the prestige of our country at the international level. The main goal of this document is to help ensure everyone's right to education, to eliminate illiteracy and ignorance. This resolution is aimed at establishing tolerance and mutual respect, ensuring religious freedom, protecting the rights of believers, and helping to prevent their discrimination.

According to the thinkers of the Eastern Renaissance, pure behavior, good manners, honesty, and divine enlightenment are the source of perfection. Only perfect people can be a bright mirror of the nation. Only spiritual and enlightened people are capable of working for the benefit and development of the people and the state. The famous Eastern thinker Sheikh Azizuddin Nasafi talks about the qualities of a perfect person and says that it is necessary for him to be highly moral, self-aware, spiritual and enlightened, possessing worldly and divine knowledge. they say about a mature person, and if you don't understand this phrase, let me say it with another phrase: you know, a perfect person is such a person, in which the following four things are perfect: good words, good actions, good morals and education"3. In educating young people in the spirit of fighting against ignorance with enlightenment, they should be taught the following forms of ignorance according to the object of ignorance, i.e. ignorance: 1) without looking at the existing worldly order from the inside, ignorant of it, i.e. its material and in his ignorant negative reaction to positive changes in his spiritual life; 2) without understanding the essence of the economic, political, legal, cultural reforms implemented by the state authorities, they oppose them with anger and foolishness; 3) in attempts to undermine relations established in the form of equality and mutual assistance with far and near neighboring countries; 4) disregarding the values ​​of peoples, nations and peoples and trying to destroy them like barbarians; 5) that they hinder progress without recognizing the achievements of science; 6) under the guise of religion, they are intensifying the establishment of their own power by creating conflict between peoples and overthrowing the existing government; 7) it is necessary to explain that it is clearly manifested in the behavior of children and women, who do not consider the human being as a supreme value, and collect large sums of money in exchange for selling them. In addition, according to the subject of ignorance in the following forms, that is, ignorance: a) in the attempt to solve the problems that have arisen in the life of the society, not with reason and knowledge, but with the use of physical force; b) being self-absorbed and stubbornly doing work without listening to the advice of enlightened sages; c) suffering from the scourge of careerism, he wants all people to obey him, he wants to obey no one, and he considers those who do not obey him as enemies of himself and society; g) when he thinks and knows that transitory, superficial things, wealth, physical pleasures, lust, reputation, deeds, and fame are true happiness and well-being; d) falling into the trouble of arrogance, they love to praise each other, they want others to praise them in words and deeds; j) having absolute power, it is necessary to show that it manifests itself in the form of actions aimed at subjugating other peoples by threatening them with the force of arms, that is, asserting sole rule.



How to Cite

Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Ortiqboyeva Nodirabegim Oybekovna. Student of TDTr.U. (2024). 2.9 IMPORTANT TOOLS OF FORMING THE SPIRITUALITY OF YOUTH. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(2), 26–28. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/108