
  • Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Donaev Sardor Botirovich. Student of TDTr.U.


In this article, the ideas of Middle Asian thinkers in the 9th-10th centuries about moral education are put forward. In the scientific-philosophical views of Farobi's haît, human intelligence is the primary place, alloma's views about the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of a person, as well as , includes the biological basis of its cultural and social activity. Pharaonic man, his recognition as the most perfect and mature end of the world's development, issues such as the need to educate and educate a person are analyzed in his works.

Key words: Farobi, human intelligence, education, knowledge, methodology, philosophy, dialectics, sophistry, rhetoric, poetics, logic, worldview.

 Due to the global pandemic, many social problems have arisen, and it has become clear that the only way out of such a situation is only knowledge and high experience. That is why the great philosopher, teacher al-Sani, who is considered one of the founders of the science of philosophical anthropology, and who was awarded the status of "Second Teacher", Abu Nasr Farabi, put human intelligence in the first place in his philosophical views, moreover, the history of the development of the world civilization of the Allamas is based on the relationship between humanity and nature. he emphasized that his rational attitude to living in harmony, his desire to create material and cultural wealth through the means of mind. Abu Nasr Farabi's views on the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of a person include the biological basis of his cultural and social activity. An important sign of a person's spiritual and moral maturity is not only the perception and understanding of the connection with the past and the future, but also the spiritual relationships that are measured by the diversity and depth of the present person. , the genius who revived ancient Greek philosophy, enriched it with new philosophical theories and conclusions, and created Eastern Muslim philosophy, is based on the views of man and his creative activity. Man is the most important of all the creatures created by God, the reason is that his behavior is in a quality that is not given to other creatures - in the mind. For this reason, it is important to "deeply study, deeply understand and popularize the works of the thinkers of the Islamic world, their invaluable contribution to the development of the entire world civilization" [1]. Philosophical heritage of Abu Nasr Farabi is being deeply studied today by scientists from all over the world. In the years of independence, due attention has been paid to researching the rich spiritual and philosophical heritage of our ancestors. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 "On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022 2026" in the fifth priority task called "Ensuring spiritual development and bringing the industry to a new level" 73 objectives include "deep study and wide promotion of the rich scientific heritage of our great ancestors". This task involves the scientific in-depth research of the rich spiritual heritage of our ancestors and wide promotion among the growing youth [2].

Abu Nasr Farabi is a famous thinker of the Middle Ages, the greatest follower and propagator of ancient Greek philosophy in the East. Abu Nasr Farabi was born in 873 in the city of O'tror (Forob) on the banks of the Syr Darya in the family of a military officer from Turkic tribes. He studied in the cities of Shosh (Tashkent) and Bukhara.



How to Cite

Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Donaev Sardor Botirovich. Student of TDTr.U. (2024). 2.8 VIEWS OF CENTRAL ASIAN THINKERS ON MORAL EDUCATION. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(2), 23–25. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/107