
  • Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Hamzaeva Dildora Zulfiqorovna. Student of TDTr.U.


In this article, Farobi pays attention to two aspects of a person's spiritual life: his mind and morals (behavior). Therefore, in his opinion, education should be focused on making a person intellectually and morally mature and perfect. Therefore, the only task of education is to prepare an ideal person who can fully respond to the demands of society and serve to maintain it in unity, peace, and prosperity.

Key words: man, mind, education, upbringing, morality, society.

 The thinker writes his works in Arabic, which was considered a scientific literary language in Eastern countries at that time. Farobi also wrote philosophical poems in Arabic and Persian. His works were translated into Latin, ancient Jewish, Persian, and later into other languages ​​as early as the 12th and 13th centuries, and were widely distributed around the world. Copies copied in recent centuries are kept in libraries and institutions of many countries. In the Institute of Oriental Studies in Tashkent, there is a "Collection of Treatises of Judges" ("Majmuat rasoil al-hukamo", Manuscript Fund, 2385-in.), which contains a total of 107 treatises from the works of ancient Eastern philosophers (including 16 Arabic treatises of Farabi) . This unique manuscript is important in studying the works of Farobi. Farobi's treatises in the collection were partially translated into Uzbek and published in 1975. Speaking about a smart person, Farobi writes: "Smart people are those who are virtuous, sharp-minded, devoted to useful work, have a great talent for discovering and inventing necessary things, and refrain from doing bad things." . Such people are called intelligent. Those who have the intelligence to invent evil deeds cannot be called smart, they should be called cunning and deceitful." , influenced by the achievements of medieval natural scientific thinking, the philosophical heritage of Greece. Farobi, first of all, trying to restore, justify and develop the advanced aspects of Aristotle's teaching based on the latest scientific achievements, created the current of Eastern Aristotelianism. It developed the style, important issues and categories of the stream. The fact that Farobi was famous as a great scientist in his time is the fact that various stories and narrations about him were created in the peoples of the East. Ibn Khallikon, ibn al-Kifti, ibn Abi Usabi'a, and Bayhaqi, among the medieval scholars, studied the work of Farabi and developed his ideas in their works. In particular, Ibn Rushd not only studied Farabi's works, but also wrote commentaries on them. Progressive humanity respects Farobi's work and deeply studies his legacy. From European scientists B. M. Schrenschneider, Carra de Vaux, T. W. Buhr, R. Hammond, R. de Erlange, F. Deterici, G. Farmer, N. Rishar, G. Ley, from Eastern scientists Nafisi, Umar Farrukh, Turker, M. Mahdi and others have made specific contributions to the study of Pharaonic heritage. In the following years, several studies and works dedicated to his creativity and teaching were published. The contribution of Abu Nasr Farabi, a famous scientist from Central Asia, who became known as the "Second Teacher" in the Near and Middle East, to the science of logic is also incomparable.



How to Cite

Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Hamzaeva Dildora Zulfiqorovna. Student of TDTr.U. (2024). 2.7 CONSIDERATION OF ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE VIEWS OF ABU NASR FORABI. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(2), 20–22. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/106