
  • Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Jadigerov Diyorbek Azizovich. Student of TDTr.U.


The article deals with the rise of various types of ideological, spiritual and informational threats against national spirituality in the context of globalization. Developed countries in order to expand their spheres of influence effectively use the most modern information tools. The main task of our society, in order to prevent various threats, is to strengthen the ideological immunity of young people. The article reveals the modern ways of dealing with threats.

 Key words: ideology, idea, upbringing, ethics, globalization.

 Today, in all regions of the world, the process of globalization has its various effects on social and cultural phenomena. The non-uniformity of such influence is closely related to the political, economic, social, informational, spiritual capacities and geopolitical factors of the countries of the world. In the context of the escalation of such violent processes taking place in the world, threats to national spirituality are increasing more and more. The main reason for this is related to the organization of the national consciousness, worldview and mentality of spirituality. By changing them with the help of various modern methods and tools, it will be possible to capture the nation, the country and all its wealth. The crisis of spirituality will certainly cause the country to fall behind in development and follow the footsteps of other countries. Therefore, the First President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, expressed the following opinion about the fact that moral threats are a destructive force and that it is necessary to take measures against it: "It should be clear to all of us that the "information age" is In the 21st century, no country or society can live surrounded by an iron wall. At the same time, it is not right to sit idly by saying that the situation is like this. In response to such threats, we should not be naive and take the necessary measures."

Therefore, one of the main tasks facing our society today is to strengthen the ideological immunity of our youth by creating effective ways, methods and tools to fight against various ideological, spiritual and informational threats. As ways to prevent ideological and informational threats, we offer the following: 1. Bringing up the threatening youth through the improvement of national education. The founder of independence, the First President of our country, Islam Karimov, in his book "High Spirituality - Invincible Power" touched on the education of young people and emphasized the following: necessary. Based on this demand, we must accept that the main goal and task of the education sector should be to raise our children to be perfect people who have the ability to think independently and broadly, and live consciously. It is known that the starting point of education is the family. Family is a sacred place for Eastern peoples. Because the strength of the family, its peace and tranquility is a source that ensures the strength and tranquility of the state, we would not be mistaken. Therefore, the issue of the family is a matter of state policy. For comparison, if we look at the attitude to the family in Western countries, the family is everyone's personal business. Whether he gets married or not, whether he gets married and has a family or not, it's everyone's business. The most common custom is civil marriage. A guy and a girl who like each other live together. Without any marriage, without formalization. And when they want, they separate again and live separately.



How to Cite

Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Jadigerov Diyorbek Azizovich. Student of TDTr.U. (2024). 2.6 THE ROLE OF MORAL EDUCATION IN STRENGTHENING IDEOLOGICAL IMMUNITY. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(2), 17–19. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/105