
  • Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Qodirov Quvonchbek Abdug‘aniyevich. Student of TDTr.U.


In the article, he is an active fighter for the strengthening of independence, using national holidays, ideological propaganda in ceremonies, demonstrating ideological combativeness against the evils of globalism, information attack, the threat of "mass culture", being able to fight for the protection of national identity, against destructive ideas, treason, indifference, localism, terrorism. , the importance of the qualities of fighting against cosmopolitanism and living with a sense of confidence in the great future is revealed.

Key words: Spiritual maturity, independent thinking, ideological immunity.


 Many thoughts can be said about the aspects and problems of spiritual maturity, based on the opportunity, we want to talk about independent thinking, which is one of the criteria of spiritual maturity. Independent thinking in the form of elements is present in almost every person, that is, even in the simplest cases, a person controls himself. But the independent thinking that we think about is to express a correct and objective opinion and determine one's attitude to every process that is happening in our country and every attitude related to it. When it comes to independent thinking of young people, first of all, it is among young people nowadays. let's think about the evils that arise in society due to the lack of this quality. The most common of these diseases are: 1. Drug addiction among young people; 2. Fall under the influence of destructive ideas due to low ideological immunity; 3. Youth crime and delinquency. These three vices ultimately lead to us branding our youth as criminals and literally losing them. As a result of the lack of attention to ideological education, young people do not know the reasons and essence of the origin of such evils, or the inability to openly oppose such phenomena in a moral way, that is, the inability to think independently, to the opinion of others, or blind obedience to the League lies. If personnel who firmly believe in the formation of a highly spiritual society are trained, and if first of all it is possible to raise faithful and well-rounded people who have full faith and belief in the formation of such a society, then stability and prosperity in this society and state will be achieved. , peace, progress accelerates. That is why in our country from the first years of independence until today, this issue has been considered at the level of state policy.



How to Cite

Ramatov Jumaniyaz Sultanovich. TDTr.U is the head of the "Social Sciences" department. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Associate Professor of TDTr.U. Qodirov Quvonchbek Abdug‘aniyevich. Student of TDTr.U. (2024). 2.3 SPIRITUAL EDUCATION IS THE CRITERIA OF SOCIETY’S STABILITY. International Shine-AEB Scientific Journal, 1(2), 8–9. Retrieved from https://shine-aeb.uz/index.php/current/article/view/102